Original Sin (1989 TV Movie)
"I shall show you a war"
14 October 2020
Robert Desiderio has been keeping a big secret from wife Ann Jillian. When their son is snatched off the street Jillian learns that her husband is the son of Mafia Don Charlton Heston and this is a part of a new war that's getting going between the clans.

As we learned from Richard Castellano in The Godfather there's always a lot of bloodletting every decade or so. It's to clear the air. This sounds like one of those type occasions.

In any event Jillian and Desiderio are taken to the Corleone like compound of Heston and spend the rest of the film there. The life of a Mafia princess even by marriage is tempting, but Jillian just wants her chikld back.

God only knows why Heston chose this project. Nothing about him whatsoever suggests a Mafia Don. He declares war on the opposition like he was Moses laying God's word. Bad casting, bad writing, and bad directing.

Not one of Charlton Heston's better screen roles.
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