A possible antidote for this crazy world
13 October 2020
It's not subtle, in fact it's naive at times but this cautionary and unique vision of a possible future is enthralling throughout. I initially planned to break up the near 3 hour run time in to 2 or 3 chunks but once I turned it on I was intrigued and fascinated enough to watch it in one go....I've watched programmes of an hour that feel longer! At its heart is the story of the unsustainable way much of our society currently lives... with particular focus on the not so shining light of the capitalist/consumerist world, the USA and its numerous problems. It gives an intelligent, thought-provoking and inciteful view of all that's wrong with our power/greed/money worshipping culture and offers a possible alternative to this way of life.

It plays out as a sci-fi feature of sorts, using actors, scenes and different metaphors to highlight the movies point. At no point are the audience treated as fools and the different genres and mood changes broke up the lecture heavy moments to create a truly memorable experience. My hope is that in watching this movie, some people may decide they aren't willing to put up with the unsustainable damage we are inflicting on ourselves and our ecosystem in this version of society but will instead look for new ways of thinking and feeling to find a balance greatly needed in these most troubled of times. Even if you are a determined consumerist, this movie is well worth a watch to see things from another point of view. 9/10
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