Not harmonious enough
13 October 2020
While it was far from innovative, part of me did like the concept of 'Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas' (appealing title too). It did sound very sweet and likeable, and could easily be if executed right. Though sentimentality and awkwardness were definitely potential traps, as they can be found a lot in Hallmark's festive output and was apparent in a lot of their 2018 output. Hallmark did do some very bad Christmas films but some were surprisingly good.

'Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas' for me fitted in neither category. Not a bad film but not a great one either and there is nothing extraordinary here throughout. Regarding whether it executed the concept sweetly and likeably or too heavy on the sentiment and awkwardness, there are elements of all of that. Not one of the best 2018 Hallmark Christmas films. Not one of the worst either. Somewhere firmly in the middle more like, and that can all be said for overall too.

Megan Park and Josh Henderson give charming enough lead performances and neither of their characters bored or annoyed me. Even if they did lack depth and complexity, they were not personality deprived. Park's vulnerability was relatable and Henderson's sympathetic charm endeared. Personally thought that the two did have chemistry and one that progressed more realistically than most Hallmark Christmas films from that year, though it is a very understated one. A sweet and natural one at the same time too. The supporting cast do well too.

Production values are decent and don't look amateurish, regardless of any questions of authenticity the scenery is very easy on the eyes and complemented by the photography well. Hallmark does not always do very well when it comes to their music, but the music fares fine here. It fits, it's not too loud and the sound of it appeals.

For those good things, 'Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas' does have shortcomings and they are not small. The dialogue does sound very awkward a lot of the time, gets very corny and the sentiment does get too much in the second half. Do agree that the lip synching is very distracting and too blatantly obvious, one would never think that any of the music was performed live.

Although it does have its good moments, the story is very predictable and has too many forced and over-schmaltzy moments when it finally starts to get going. After a rather dull and uneventful start that has no real atmosphere or emotion to it. Am not somebody that picks on films usually for bad accents and generally find that criticism nit-picky unless it/they is/are distractingly bad and take one out of the setting, which is sadly the case here.

In conclusion, watchable enough but it never wowed me. 5/10
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