Review of Unhinged

Unhinged (I) (2020)
Crazy but fun
12 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is ridiculous. Seriously. If you want credibility, watch something else. But for all that, it's a fun entertaining ride.

We are basically asked to believe that poor fat old Russell Crowe, who looks like he'd have a heart attack if he tried to mow the lawn, is a near-invincible unstoppable killing machine. Russ goes to unbelievable lengths to exact vengeance on a woman motorist who has had the temerity to sound her horn at him, which includes murdering various strangers who have the misfortune to cross his path. Admittedly the opening of the film shows Russ bumping off his ex-wife and her new lover. But this is a surely a very personal crime; he has a reason to hate this woman and her boyfriend (at least in his own head). It's a bit of a stretch to believe that he will inevitably go on to kill anybody who just happens to get on his nerves.

Russell's invincibility extends to whichever vehicle he happens to be driving. Even your average people-carrier has the strength and stamina of an armoured tank when he's behind the wheel. That is until our heroine tries to outsmart him by driving her vehicle directly into his; at that point Russ's car turns over as easily as a Wendy house. Well you have to give the hapless victim SOME advantages, right?

The leading lady does all the necessary dumb things, including ignoring the protection of a team of police officers in order to go head-to-head with Russ on her own. But it's OK; she succeeds in killing the bad guy. As an added bonus, her brother (who was earlier set on fire by Russell - God knows why) has survived and is Going To Be All Right - except for third degree burns all over his body, not to mention the mental trauma of having witnessed the brutal murder of his girlfriend at Russell's hands.

So, in summary, nonsense of the highest order, but strangely entertaining. I was on the edge of my seat throughout, and look forward to watching it again on Prime.
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