An absolute masterpiece
12 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really late review, but I think it just had to be done. I don't usually write reviews for Arabic movies, but this movie is the one and the only ever Egyptian movie deserving of a 9 or even a possible 10. What it takes a movie to deserve such a rating, is being absolutely flawless, and changing the world of cinema forever. I think that this movie will be taught for future filmmakers for years to come due to the simplicity of the details yet coming up with such a beautifully curated big picture. I'll start this with talking about the excellent foreshadowing to what we all should've seen coming but probably never did. This happened a lot. It started when Hassan told his father to close the balcony's door, which explains why his mother scolded him for always leaving it open. His dad was never there for closing it in the first place. In the beach scene, he told Farida to catch a stone he threw into the air, the camera then transitions into a stone on the ground-only scene where this relays the importance of such a trivial detail. When playing Squash with his dad, Hassan was told that he was like a Squash game, he's got 2 players on the inside playing against each other. This referred to his dad, and Farida. What I'm not 100% sure about though is whether his mother was always dead or not. However, I'll assume this statement referred to his dad and Farida which means his mother was still alive at the time. Like everything else, Hassan's head always created the imaginary conversations where loopholes were always hard to find. This starts when he tells Farida that he isn't free to give her the money. She then suggests her taking his number instead of the opposite. This is important as there's no way he'd know her real number. One call to the wrong number and he's awake from his beautiful dream. There could've been some plotholes in his own dream but there wasn't any which is okay as it was well established how smart he is. A couple of details were explaining where he was as a person throughout the movie. In his lowest state, he breaks down the motorcycle's model he built as a kid. He then makes a much better on in the mental hospital. This shows that he was mentally recovering. Farida was always the person he wanted to be but never was. He said it himself when he said that she did everything that he always was afraid to do. He used her as a motive to become a better person, one that fits in the society he always hated even though we don't know if this society hated him back. She "made" him do stuff he never did but always wanted to do. It is also portrayed how he started changing with no motivation from her when they were riding his motorcycle and he was the one who told her to stand up. He was starting to change to become someone who can choose on his own what he wants to be. One really important scene in the movie was when he got her flowers. She is happy he got her flowers but refuses taking it. This is clearly shown when he offers her the flowers. This would've just a normal reaction until he asked her why she didn't take it. We all know the reason. She isn't real and if she does take them they're just gonna fall and he realises the truth. This detail shows how good the writer is. He managed to make the audience ask the question, "Why?". But still manages to let her run away from the question by answering with a personal question that hits deep, "Have you got no friends?" Why didn't she answer that. That could've been a normal reaction really, but after we all got to know the truth, we realised how well written this masterpiece of a scene was. The whole movie was a metaphorical portrayal of what a person goes through when they just keep on living in the past refusing to move forward. And how hard it is to change to become the person you want to be. This movie is full of hidden meaningful messages but I'm not gonna go deep into them. The comedy is genuine. It's simple and isn't cringy. It's just okay. The kind of comedy u expect in such a dramatic movie. The song choice was on point. Farida means unique or different or one of a kind. This is how he saw the girl he liked. She wasn't what she really was. She was what he thought she was, one of a kind. She was, however, similar cuz as she said, they always met. The acting. Man, this was perfect. Ahmed Helmy honestly deserved an Oscar for this one. If Joaquin Phoenix deserved an oscar for the joker then Helmy deserved an oscar for this. Menna Shalaby's acting was on point too. The actors got great chemistry that just works so good. The soundtracks were great. The photography was great. This is always gonna be my favourite Egyptian movie of all time.
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