Review of Montrak

Montrak (2017)
Even worst than I thought
12 October 2020
Ugh! I was not expecting much from this cheapie vampire horror flick, but considering my expectations were low, they were exceeded in this poorly made German horror movie. The film itself looks like crap, the story seems to have potential, but the execution of it here fails to deliver. I have a version that seems to be made by an American company and the option to watch it in it's original German language is not available. The English overdubbing is horrible and combined with the poor direction, camera work and editing made this a hard movie to get through. A movie about warring Vampire factions could be interesting, but this D level dud fails to deliver the goods. The film is quite gory, but fails to maintain my interest in anything cohesive. The box compares this to Near Dark and I fail to see any similarities. I am reminded more of Subspecies, but this cinematic turd is not even in the same league as that B movie classic.
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