Smash 'Em Over Like Bulldozers....
11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay! We begin here with some kind of town celebration of something. Halloween maybe? People are in costumes.

Then I guess we have a murder, in the cemetery. And the cops there to investigate. They suspect the boyfriend. The boyfriend says some creature with glowing eyes did it. The Chief tells the Detective, the girl was running around with a 'powerful city gang'. The Detective says There's something bigger going on. That she 'can feel it'!!!

Detective gets a call about something bad happening in the back of a Chapel. There's been a homicide AGAIN. Boy this Lake Orion town looks like a real craphole. Buildings and streets look terrible.

So a bunch of stuff goes down. We got cops, gangs, clergy, Druggies, Veterans, bunch of scenes where really not much happens.

Then someone blows up drug dealers house. So I guess more bodies. Wait is he alive??

Then Detective she has a possible suspect at this abandoned building. She calls for backup! She finds a figure on the ROOF of the building, but turns her head to radio backup again and when she turns back the figure it gone!!!

Then we have a protest in front of the MAYOR'S OFFICE! Or the City Council, whatever. The City Council meeting wiht the Mayor, she announces there have been 17 deaths in the last WEEK!

So bottom line is some guy summoned some sort of demon thing to do this 'work'. The demon creature thing is obviously just a man in a mask. So no big special effects here.

I thought the plot / story of the movie was pretty boring. But the acting, camera stuff was okay. I really didn't have any major complaints except the summoned creature thing was the dumbest part.

-1 Star for the summoned creature plotline....

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