True Detective (2014– )
Truly special
8 October 2020
As IMDb (in its wisdom) doesn't give individual seasons their own page I'll break down my review into sections...

Season 1 : the detectives - Matthew McConauhey, Woody harrelson.

A masterful example of chemistry and acting, you can't take your eyes of every one of their interactions in the 10 hour run time. Twisting suspenseful whodunnit with an impactful climax. I won't go on too much as it's been reviewed plenty over the years. 10/10.

Season 2 : The detectives - Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch.

A completely different tone to the first season, way more action/thriller than suspense/thriller but very effective in its own way. McAdams shines throughout, Farrell is as you'd expect and an honourable mention to Vince Vaughn who chews up every scene he's in (in a good way). It's a superb 9/10 for me and not to be compared like for like with what came before.

Season 3 : the detectives - Mahershala Ali, Stephen Dorff.

I was almost put off giving this season a chance after reading some of the dire reviews on here but I'm glad I made up my own mind. It's a return to the tone and feel (and similar rural dusty setting) of season 1. I doubt this will be one for action fans and that may be where the poor reviews stem from. Ali and Dorff play off each other very well, the acting is a career high for both. The 3 timeframes (1980, 1990, 2015) gave their relationship real weight and the temporal jumping Nolanesque non linear story kept things from going stale. The admirable make up work made it clear which era we'd shifted to without the need to force feed the viewer information and break the story's spell. Carmen Ejogo as Ali's muse is exceptional throughout and gives things a refreshing break from the brooding male duo's dynamic when needed. It's another 9/10 for me.
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