The could have been...
7 October 2020
This could have been such an amazing show, but instead of loving it i just ended up liking it thats all. Starting of with the positives is the animation, really well animated and choreographed fight scenes for the majority. MAPPA is killing it. Well produced soundtrack, something which i can see myself listening to over and over. Where it lacked is the same where everyone seems to be complaining. The Narrative. Its like a good chunk of it was left out. Things happen in a fly and escalate from 1 to 100 like we are all buckled up but we are not so we end up crashing with the plot development wondering what and why and how it happened. And most of the missing part is exposited in a flash like we are supposed to go with it. Because of which character development also suffers. I dont think i was able to connect with anyone of the character, everything was in passing. A 25 episode season could have brought out so much depth and fleshed out the characters so much which was felt missing from the show. I wasnt wowed when i should have been but just ended up finding it cool.

Nonetheless they did try to achieve as much as they could in the limited episodes they had so its not all bad. You will be impressed by the animation, fight scenes and will be entertained for a while but you wont stop thinking about how good this all could have been. 6.5/10
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