Review of Oloture

Oloture (2019)
Important topic but poorly executed
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The topic of this movie is really important. However, just because it covers an important topic, that doesn't make it a good movie.

There were times when it almost felt comical. I don't know if it's just that people in Nigeria have a different way of speaking and carrying themselves. At times I felt that the actors were overacting.

Furthermore, they try to portray the journalist character as being this naive girl who is shocked by the way she is treated, which seemed silly to me. She was shocked whenever she had to do anything that involved being a prostitute. If you're going undercover as one, then you must expect to have to do some undesirable things. They could have shown how shocked and scarred she was by the experience in a subtler way.

It is a pity, because the bad acting and illogical characters made it more difficult for the movie to be taken seriously.
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