Zoom past this one.
4 October 2020
This film made me feel nauseous, not because of the messy gore, but because every time its 'half human/half brussel sprout' monster makes an appearance, director Eddie Romero goes crazy with the zoom. In and out, in and out, shaking it about - it's enough to bring on a migraine.

Perhaps the intention was to prevent the viewer getting a clear look at the creature, but to be honest, when we do get to see it, it doesn't look THAT bad. Eddie should have concerned himself more with the plot - which is uninspired 'mad doctor' nonsense - and the pacing, nothing of interest happening between the zoom in, zoom out monster attacks.

Some effort is made to distract the viewer from the sheer mundanity of the narrative with T&A, Filipino cutie Alicia Alonzo, as Marla, stripping off for a naked swim and buxom beauty Angelique Pettyjohn getting her puppies out. There's also the aforementioned gore, the monster's victims torn apart, limbs over there and intestines over here. Unfortunately, the dreary plot and plodding pace mean that all the gratuitous bare flesh and blood and guts cannot prevent this from being a rather tedious watch.
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