In these Troubled Times, the question uppermost in American minds is . . .
29 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . will we EVER go back to normal? Is there a happy day on our Horizon when only the sickest of the sick, O.R. personnel and hockey goalies will be wearing face masks, and no one remembers what the Johns Hopkins dashboard actually is? Will America ever have a leader not in hock to the Red Commie KGB thugs in Russia's Kremlin--someone who is NOT a serial misogynist groper, tax cheat and prevaricator, backed by a rabid Base of Mindless Core Supporters? IN THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE suggests that the answer to these pressing questions is a resounding "Yes!" Things WILL get better. Filmed less than a decade after Germany's National Socialist Party (the most nefarious Organized Crime Ring in Human History until recently eclipsed by the USA's Pachyderm Party) lay waste to Europe and engineered the deaths of millions of people world-wide, IN THE VALLEY OF THE RHINE pictures scores of happy, celebrating OLDER Prussians dancing around and having the times of their lives as Der Fuhrer's private vacation yacht plies the title river behind them. Not once does the narrating bozo mention Germany's lost Jewish Heritage--it's as if this has been wiped off the Face of the Earth, and never existed at all!
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