Ultimately a pointless and semi-confusing mess of a movie...
28 September 2020
I must admit that I was initially intrigued by this 2020 movie's poster/cover, and with a title such as "Are We Dead Yet" (aka "The Living Dead") then of course my interest was more than caught. I do like horror comedies, and this movie looked like it could be fun.

Turns out that writer and director Fredi 'Kruga' Nwaka seemed to be stumbling around in the dark when it came to writing a properly entertaining and coherent storyline. Sure, the movie was watchable, but the storyline was just such a swing and a miss that it wasn't really much fun to watch. And I must admit that several times along the way did the storyline take a turn for the worse. And when it was finally revealed what was really going on with the manor, you just go 'are you kidding?'

"Are We Dead Yet" have a low budget feel to it, but at the same time aspires to achieve greatness. However, the movie just ultimately didn't really manage to do well on that account.

This movie is labeled as a horror comedy, sure. But you have to look long and hard for satisfactory elements of both genres. Trust me.

As for the characters in the movie, well I can't really claim that it was a character gallery that I cared much for. In fact, I wouldn't even be able to name but a single character from the movie now, not even 2 hours after having finished the movie.

I can now tick "Are We Dead Yet" off of the list, and I can in all honesty say that this movie is not one that I will be returning to ever again. I am rating it a mere, albeit generous, three out of ten stars. There are far better and more enjoyable horror comedies readily available out there, and I can't really recommend that you waste your time, money or effort on this one. Some of us did, so you don't have to.
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