Review of Hornet

Hornet (2018)
Buzz off Hornet!
28 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A giant robot must protect its creators from alien invaders. Sound good and exciting? Well, it just ain't. Man, does this cheapo Grade Z stinkeroonie strike out something terrible in almost every possible way: We've got slack (non)direction, a meandering story that unfolds at a painfully plodding pace, a hackneyed found footage central hook (enough already with this shopworn concept!), annoying characters, a derivative ragbag script, chintzy (far from) special effects, zero tension, a fractured back and forth nonlinear narrative style, primitive video game-type visuals, clumsily staged robot action, and even a groan-inducing sequel set-up ending. Only the acceptable acting from the decent no-name cast manages to rise above the overall muck, with Doug Burch a particular stand-out as ruthless government agent Pendleton. A real clunker.
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