The Legend of Korra: Beginnings, Part 2 (2013)
Season 2, Episode 8
27 September 2020
I don't usually write reviews on IMDb, but this episode was so breathtaking that I have to leave my thoughts here.

Until these two episodes (counting it as one with the episode before, as they also aired on the same day), The Legend of Korra had its great moments, but always felt like an afterthought to the original series that shows some more of the Avatar world without much impact, especially where the lore as a whole is concerned.

We have heard time and again ever since the previous show, that the Avatar is the bridge between the physical and the spirit world, with the latter only appearing briefly a few times in the original series.

These episodes finally address this and gives us the full backstory why the Avatar has this role and how the Avatar cycle started. It fits very harmonic into the lore of the shows, despite the fact that we probably would never have gotten this story had TLA not been so successful to give us this spin-off.

Even if you don't like The Legend of Korra, you could jump in here, enjoy these two episodes and learn more about the Avatar lore without ever watching the rest of the show, which makes this two-parter even better than it already is. I vote a hard ten.
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