Review of Follow Me

Follow Me (2020)
The ending messed up a perfectly fine mashup remix of Hostel and Twilight Zone
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At the end the main character thinks all his friends have been killed by a sadistic gang so when he runs into the boss of that gang he batters him, naturally. He kills him all while his friends, whose deaths were just part of a big ruse to prank the main character, just stands there watching with their mouths open. At least fifteen people just stands watching while their best friend is in the process of killing an innocent guy. And it is totally their fault that he kills him.

Up until the end the movie was quite alright, an ok hostel rip off with a bit of social media thrown in there. Perfectly fine. But oh my god what a stupid ending. They planned this prank so meticulously and yet they didn't think about having someone else than the main antagonist doing the big reveal?? Perhaps one of his best friends would have been a better choice.. Maybe? The ending brought the movie from approx 6/10 down to 3/10.

By the way, I recognize the main arc of the story from a great episode of Twilight Zone I saw 30 years ago. It's the one where a woman is secretly planning her husbands birthday party and he thinks she is cheating on him (because of all the secret phone calls and hush-hush). And so he kills her on the day of the celebration and drags her body into a room where all his friends are just waiting to get the party started. Haha. Exactly the same ending. But that episode was so much better than this movie. Thank you for reading this far. All the best /Leif.
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