Review of Monsoon

Monsoon (2019)
Uninteresting, unfocused & cowardly
27 September 2020
This film tries to tackle big subjects and there were interesting ideas but they all fall flat. It skims the surface and never goes anywhere. The colour palette is good at showing off Vietnam but what's the point when there is only one interesting camera shot? The feeling of being transported to another place should be rife throughout the film but when the main character always magically finds an English speaker wherever he goes that feeling is lost. The subject of meeting someone from the other side of the war is a good subject but after a couple of awkward convo's and a love scene it's over: When I was in the cinema this film got a standing ovation but all those people seemed to hail this as a ground breaking love film, I can only assume this is because the filmed failed at making any of the other subjects interesting or important. Boring, uninteresting, with mediocre acting. I would avoid.
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