Review of LX 2048

LX 2048 (2020)
We didn't see that one coming - did we?
26 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Lithium X drug's a play on 'Lithuania', where this box of reels saw first light. And XL2048, ironically reminds many 60s folk of "Fireball XL5", a kids show, played by dolls. To pick any good side of this flick's as hard as its dumbed-down makers had finding a title. The principal, Adam (played competently by James D'Arcy) is, yet again in a hellish Future for the persecuted XY sex, facing yet further affronts, and they're also playing that "endangered planet" card again (Oh, No!) - only this time it's the Sun. Too hot to go out by day, with LT trains flying through transparent aerial tubey-things, the world, despite the presumed death of vegetation is well fed and at peace, since humanity's merely continuing its obsession with identity politics, 100% immersive social media, & making people-clones, whose duplex females have optional programming to say "NO", but whose cloned males come equipped with enhanced abilities to "satisfy". Hand me the Lithium X, please!
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