Long Way Up (2020)
Great Idea ruined by the lack of knowledge and preparation and scripted crises
25 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The whole thing started as a wonderful idea that could show the viewer an amazing adventure through beautiful parts of the world and point our attention to transition to electric mobility and what steps need to be taken to achieve it.

After watching 3 episodes I have to admit that I am a little disappointed. The riders and the producers seem to have little idea how electric vehicles work, were only given some pointers from (I can only imagine the sponsors) Harley and Rivian and left on their own. It looks like there is no one with them who did their research on electric vehicles and who knows the local electricity grids and connectors. The focus seems to be on how the 2 riders and the crew "struggle" with finding good charging places, issues with charging, the time it takes to charge and if they can make it to the next destination - that is it, and it's really annoying. As I said that's after only 3 episodes, hopefully they will get a grasp on how this electric thing works, it's really not that difficult, no need to be a certified electrician. People on youtube have done better job doing similar trips.

Another issue that I have with this is why use prototype vehicles, both bikes and cars, when there already are established brands like the Zero, Tesla and others or use plug in hybrid cars istead of a diesel van? Anyways, I'll carry on watching and hopefully it will be less of a soap opera and more of a documentary.

Update after watching episode 4: Getting better. It is finally turning into a series that I was hoping for, however the over hyping of some of the issues still continues. Increasing my rating to from 6 to 7.
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