The Road To Destruction Is Paved With 'Good Intentions'.
23 September 2020
It's a play on words. The Sisters claim their father couldn't read or write. The documentary entertains us with the idea that Solomon Linda's signature on any contract or documentation found, was falsified by others.

It's an interesting documentary that is being marred by 'the blame game'. When things go wrong or don't work out the way we had anticipated, our thoughts become disenchanted. The journalist who wanted to right a wrong in South Africa became disenchanted because his 'Good Intentions' had dissisipated.

It could also be a case of 'Six Of One & Half A Dozen Of The Other' - ie: There are no winners or losers. Time-Spent', means no-one can really be blamed or held accountable for 'The Linda's' predicament & no-one can really lay claim to being the source of origination. The case has gone as far as it could without hearing from the man himself - 'Solomon Linda''. who is now deceased.

I think everyone got greedy on the premise that there was money to be made & a case to be answered - and maybe there is - just not now. The investigations reached a 'stalemate' in 2019.

Disney? Disney just 'settled' to relinquish & secure its future ties with other associates. In Movies, a Charles Dickens or William Shakespeare play gets to keep the same title if it's an adaptation of the original, but if it's a 'remake' or the character's are 'loosely based' on a Dickens or Shakespeare play, the title changes - I guess because of copyrights. In Books 'Reprints' can add, subtract or update info. In Technology 'Updates' can change the layout of a computer programme or change how it operates.

'Mbube'? 'Wimoweh? 'The Lion Sleeps? Title changes puts a whole new 'Spin' on authenticity.
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