House of Lost Souls (1989 TV Movie)
The second best of the series, though that's hardly an endorsement
21 September 2020
A group of young geologists find the main road blocked and book into a tatty looking hotel. There are no other guest, just the hotel manager, a very glum looking chap who does not utter a single word. Soon ghostly apparitions and decapitations ruin the guests' stay! This was Umberto Lenzi's second entry of the made for Italian TV series "House of Doom" (1989). I would rate it second best after Lucio Fulci's "House of Clocks", the other two movies, one by each director, are pretty poor. This is hardly classic Italian horror. We get the usual bad dubbing and some laughable script, one woman mumbling about Donald Trump after being locked in a freezer with some corpses! There is some good gore, including a decapitation by washing machine, however the camera cuts away for other deaths. Kevin is played by American actor Joseph Alan Johnson who appeared in several 1980's slasher movies, I thought that he looked familiar. The music sounds familiar too, sounds like the soundtrack to "Demons" (1985). If you like Italian horror then Lost Souls is reasonable viewing.
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