The Mistletoe Promise (2016 TV Movie)
Wouldn't watch again.
21 September 2020
Why was I watching a Christmas film in September? Because I was sick of trawling through things I'd seen trying to find something to watch. So I settled for this, which I think had a better film fighting to get through the very average one this was.

My first niggle was the main actress Jaime King. They say you can't be too rich or too thin but Ms King's thinness was a distraction to me all the way through the film because she is skeletal.

Then there are the polystyrene snowballs faking it as real snow in the scenes involving snowmen. So obvious it was embarrassing.

Then there was the story involving the ex-husband. I'm sure I am not the only one who expected Nick, as a divorce lawyer to find a loophole to get her ex off her back - he did ask for her divorce paperwork after all. I wanted a happy ending with the cheating ex sorted but no, didn't happen.

So, not very impressed and wouldn't watch it again.
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