Review of Ghoul

Ghoul (2015)
21 September 2020
I am a complete and total sucker for found footage horror movies, even bad ones. I absolutely love them. It's extremely difficult to screw up a found footage horror movie for me to not enjoy it.

This film answers that challenge and succeeds soundly. It is just flat-out boring.

For one, the characters are all constantly rambling and mumbling in all different directions at the start, leaving the plot to be almost completely incoherent. There's little to no chemistry with any of the protagonists and none of them stand out in any particular way. Even up to the climax of the film, I had no idea who they were to each other, friends or family members or anything, and briefly mentioned plot points all the way at the beginning get resurrected and then completely forgotten and ignored by the very next scene.

The lack of any real personality, even one-dimensional and exaggerated, among the characters means that there's absolutely nothing and no one to latch on to as a point of focus. Everyone is boring and bland and doing their thing and you end up fading in and out of attention until you're half an hour in, lost, about to catch up, only to lose interest again and end up 46 minutes in and lost again.

What little I could make of the plot involved student filmmakers going to Ukraine, allegedly to interview the "known last survivor of the horrific 1932 Soviet cannibalism epidemic".

This comes and goes in literally the first 10 minutes or so before it gets dropped completely and they start focusing on some random guy called "Boris" who spent 15 years in prison for cannibalism or something. This inexplicably leads to them going to a random cabin in the woods supposedly owned by Boris, where they start playing Ouija with some other random ukrainian woman to contact some demon or ghost or something for unknown reasons.

This is roughly the full extent of the plot, with a bunch of meaningless add-ons and red herrings which are treated with absolutely no importance whatsoever and usually get dropped immediately after they're brought up.

For whatever reason, virtually nothing stuck with me in terms of the story, so it would seem to me that it would necessitate a re-watching, which I absolutely would consider if it weren't so insufferably boring.
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