Becoming (I) (2020)
Become More
20 September 2020
Found this on demand, had never heard of it but thought why not, super vague description had me curious.

This is a surprisingly interesting little flick. It's got a fascinating concept, decent acting and it just never delivers well enough. There address some interesting notes on abusive relationships and bettered wife syndrome along with generational transition of rage and cruelty but it's so unfocused and meandering at times that it makes it hard to get real invested. There's also not much explanation why anything is happening.

As I think back, this really frustrates me. There's something here, a fascinating concept and screenplay, is just lacking that special something, that polish that could've made this something special. As it stands now, it's too forgettable and doesn't give me quite enough to sink my teeth into but it's so close. Sadly, we have what we have, not what I wish we had so this ends up being a surprise but still underwhelming. That said, if you have the chance, this isn't an awful and there are definitely worse things to watch.
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