Interesting ideas, but ultimately not a really good movie...
18 September 2020
I stumbled upon "Evil Takes Root" by sheer random luck. And I must admit that I was immediately enthralled by the movie's cover/poster, and the title of the movie was definitely also helping to sell the movie for a veteran horror fan such as myself.

So I sat down to watch this 2020 movie from writers Chris W. Freeman and Aaron Mack, but I have to say that when the movie ended I wasn't particularly impressed, nor were I overly entertained. Sure, "Evil Takes Root" is watchable, but the storyline is just a tad too messy and incoherent for my liking, and that took away a great deal of the enjoyment of the movie.

There were some genuinely interesting aspects to the movie though, such as the spreading of the roots as the evil found foothold, and also some of the creature concepts were interesting.

However, for a horror movie, then "Evil Takes Root" just didn't really cut it. Perhaps if you are fresh off the boat and unfamiliar with horror movies, then you will find this to be a scary movie. But for a seasoned veteran, then "Evil Takes Root" was a mere walk in the park.

The acting in the movie was good, although the actors and actresses were stunted by the limitations of a rather messy and semi-boring storyline. It was a shame, because it felt like the actors and actresses were being held back from giving it all they had.

If you enjoy a good horror movie, then there are many better choices readily available in the horror genre. "Evil Takes Root" came and went without leaving a lasting impression on me, and I doubt that I will ever find myself sitting down to watch it a second time.

My rating of "Evil Takes Root" becomes a less than mediocre four out of ten stars.
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