Review of Part 11

Twin Peaks: Part 11 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 11
15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a relatively weird episode. It started off good, with Bobby and Shelly's daughter going nuts. I do feel bad for Bobby, but it is nice to see how much he's changed since the original show. There was that exceedingly strange and uncomfortable scene with the woman and the sick girl in the car, I have absolutely no idea what all that was about. I feel like every so often there's a scene that shows how dark/evil Twin Peaks is. If that really is the only purpose those scenes serve, it's very tired by this point. We know Twin Peaks is a weird place with lots of dark stuff happening in it, anyone who's watched even one episode of the original show knows that. Besides, the stuff happening with the Woodsmen does pretty much the same thing but is far far more interesting. The FBI investigates the weird gateway of sorts into another world which seems to be the dwelling place of these evil entities. If I'm really nitpicking, I'd say that crushing Bill Hastings' skull was a bit of a cheap way for Lynch to write himself out of a corner, because what on Earth would they have done with him after this? Either way though, it was a very tense, engaging scene and I can't wait to see more of these Woodsmen. I would assume this will coincide with the place that Hawk and Sheriff Truman are headed, the place with fire. It's been teased enough, though, so I'm hoping we see it next episode. As for the rest of the episode, we continue with the character assassination of Dale Cooper. I'm not even bored of that plot anymore, and it can even be funny at times. I'm just indifferent, and I've accepted that we probably aren't going to see Dale Cooper as he was in this show, which is a terrible shame because he's one of my favourite characters ever, and certainly the best character in this universe

Mid 7
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