Never really engaging or gripping
15 September 2020
This is partly the fault of the casting team. The one-eared mafia man was ludicrously miscast, screaming orders in what approached a falsetto voice. I found his over-the-top yelling hilarious rather than frightening. None of the baddies exuded a real air of menace or evil.

The cops were the usual heterogenous bunch of losers, melded within days into an effective crime fighting force by the supposedly irresistible personality of their new boss who'd been exiled to Palermo from Rome for misbehaviour. It's not believable.

There were only 6 episodes, so the obligatory love story had to be introduced more quickly than usual. It was totally unconvincing both how it happened and more so, that it happened.

I'm actually wondering why there was a "secret of water" at all. Why couldn't the speculators simply have applied for a legitimate licence?

Characters lost their lives with monotonous regularity, usually before they were to reveal vital clues that would have solved the investigation. I didn't care about any of them apart from one where the director got the tension just right and had shown their backstory in detail meaning the viewer could actually worry about their death.

We knew who the miscreants were from the start and if the cops had had the slightest bit of nous, they would have too.

Did I waste my time on this? Borderline. It's just on the right side of watchable,
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