Garbage propaganda
15 September 2020
These poor prisoners were invaders slaughtering literally millions of Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians. How many thousands of murdered civilians were these people directly responsible for?

And these are the people - routinely described as "heroes" by people who have zero knowledge of the impact of the Vietnam war and the countless atrocities carried out by American soldiers - we're supposed to sympathize with? No thank you.

People usually bring up My Lai as the example of American atrocities in the Vietnam war. Having been there it is chilling to think that 500 people were murdered in that little village. But as Nick Turse shows in his magnificent book "Kill Anything That Moves" the My Lai massacre was just one among many.

And of course, a lot of the prisoners at Hoa Lo were airmen who preferred mass murdering civilians from what they thought was the relative safety of the sky. You reap what you sow, is all I can say.

Any chance we get any of that background in this blatant piece of right wing propaganda and failed attempt at rewriting history? This movie might just as well have been made by Leni Riefenstahl.

If you want to know something about the true atrocities of the Vietnam War check out the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City.
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