The Idhun Chronicles (2020–2021)
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lets start with the good. 1.Our protagonists often fail which makes the danger feel more real. When its good they fail because they are outmatched or the enemy did not fall for an obvious ploy, when its bad they fail because they overlooked something very simple. 2.In the second episode you see jack being unhappy about not being allowed to go into action yet despite having trained for 6 months and you can see everyones points of view. Not only are his feelings acknowledged by other characters, they make his value to them clear while not coddling him. bluntly put sometimes he will have nothing to contribute and he should wait for his moment. If this was any other show after a week of training he would have stolen one of the legendary swords, run of and gotten into trouble with the him saying that "I guess im not ready" and the mentor going "no you are ready" or some variation of this. There are few more atypical developments sprinkled here and there, It might seem silly giving show points for what it is not, especially since it has a mountain of other developments that are quite typical but I found this development refreshing. less so refreshing was what it ultimately amounted to but that is another story. 3. serpent soldiers remind me of serpent soldiers from other works and that invokes nostalgic memories of those works.

The bad. voice acting in Spanish felt hollow for the lack of a better word. Alsan especially sounded patronizing when he was meant to be sincerer. Shail is on the ok side of things when he does not have to use his non existent range. jack and his voice were a horrible match, I dont think there is single scene where his voice worked for me. I could swear in ep 5 around the 7:50 mark "yeet" is used as a sound effect, it was hilarious but also took me out of the moment. The show feels less like it was voice acted and more like it was dubbed over (if that makes sense).

My misplaced expectations. The summery reads "The day the three Suns and three Moons came together in alignment over Idhun, Ashran, the necromancer, seized power and the reign of the winged snakes started." I actually expected to see that, maybe even have Ashran be the protagonist.

Character design and animation. Character designs are acceptable but uninspired. animation is serviceable, except for some egregious moments, for example in ep 4 you have a fight with lizard troops that starts with 3 troop cutouts jump flying at the protagonists while being motionless in the air and the lizard battle does not get much better after that.

The cast and character motivations. With there being so few episodes, its understandable that we did not get much but I feel like key elements are missing. I do not care about the cast and even with more episodes I doubt this show can go beyond ok. 1.Jack wants revenge on Kirtash for killing his family and he has nowhere else to go. His anger helps deflect the guilt he feels for being the one who accidentally drew Kirtash's eye to his family. He is very fast learner(possibly chosen) and in ep 4 he pulls out the legendary of legendary swords. 2.Shail is a magic user who is more empathetic than Alsan but can also make hard choices. he teaches Victoria and wants to protect the last unicorn(it and a baby dragon somehow survived a homing destruction spell that got all others of its kind, a spell Ashran used to avoid a prophecy that a unicon and a dragon would stop his rule). I dont think anything is known about him as a person. also he is now dead (or more likely attack with 2 types of offensive magic somehow teleported him elsewhere) 3.Victoria is an earth born half mage who became a half by sometime in her life interacting with a unicorn. she has been hunted by Kirtash from time to time so she avoids making non magical friends to keep them out of line of fire. she is still going to school despite having had a train crash into her in the same area and she lives with her grandma who knows nothing about magic or what goes on in her life. Victoria wants to be a strong magic user like her favorite heroine from the legends and soon after its introduction she ends up getting heroines legendary lost staff, which was meant for her because it does not burn her (all legendary weapons that dont like their wielder, burn the wielder or otherwise cant be used). also she is 13!? 4.Alsan is a prince in exile, who is not very knowledgeable about the human world and likely only leaves their hideout for the missions. He wants to find all the refugees and unite them under his banner and the unicon/dragon. gets turned into a wolfman in ep 4 and that and angst over that becomes his personality. 5.Kirtash is an antagonist who hunts all the magical people(plus a unicon and a dragon as you find out in the 4th ep) of idhun who have escaped his boss. He has snake eyes that can suck out your soul and transfer your memories to him, even if you are in an astral form. He has hots for victoria and is the current prince or emperor of idhun(which you find out in ep 5). He loves his jacket and speaking in monotone!? 6.Elrion is the antagonist magic user who works with Kirtash because their boss told him so. He may or may not have wanted to be like Ashran. He turns Alsan into a wolfman and gets a book for kirtash, on that his contributions to the plot are finished and he is now dead.

note that I mostly told you about what happens to them or is around them but not about them as people. if I have not said it, assume that nothing more about the character exists (after 5 eps). Some of this might even sound grand to you but it often fails in execution, think of it like many titles of Daenerys Stormborn. I would not even call the story rushed, its like the show itself is just a summery of key plot points, a lot happens but non of it has impact on the viewer and in the end the fellowship is broken without ever having been really formed.
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