"Read the room, Dude."
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix algorithm gave this a 97% that I would enjoy this show. I did and I didn't. It's a G-rated show, and I do like some G-rated shows/films at times but typically as nostalgia rather than contemporary. This show originally came from Brazil, and released in 2011/2012, or something. One reviewer here mentioned that "this wasn't made in 2020" .. yeah, most shows and films released in 2020, weren't made in 2020. That's the copyright date i.e. release date which is how almost anything published is represented.

The acting, for this dramedy, is a little over-the-top at times, and other times kind of stale but then I'm not exactly the demographic that this is aimed at; I'm guessing teenagers are, and while it's rated G it does have suggestive content; things not said but any competent person can figure out that they're referencing sexual situations. And in that vein: I thought if more PG, the acting a bit more normal and not accentuated, that I would also be a demographic it would appeal to but it seems a copy of Nickelodeon or Disney; though the former more true than not because that's the original company who produced the one from Brazil.

I will give it this: better than 'High School Musical (sadly, I have seen those)'; the songs, except the first one in "1995", were all excellent. I was a teenager in the 1990s (18 in 1995) and I don't remember any song that sounded like that from back then but I could be wrong. Maybe it existed back then, too but I don't think so. The lead actress in this, while her acting is somewhat over-the-top at times, her singing is really good. I didn't like some of the stereotypes but people do have them but why does there always have to be a 'bad guy' character? Why can't people just be people? Yes, there are people like that, even as teenagers but I think we could do away with such stereotypes because not all teenagers, or people in general, are a representation of such people but perpetuating such stereotypes make it seem as if they are. Also, while I didn't mind the introduction of other ghosts the stereotypes seemed to include them, too.

Overall, the first season was alright. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad, either. While some parts appealed to me (like the music and overall story) the rest did not and that's fine. It doesn't mean it's bad, or anything...I think it was the whole Caleb subplot. I think the show would have worked, for me, without that character. I mean if one excises that character from the show, except for the ending to the last episode, it doesn't really change anything from the rest. It's unnecessary. It's added to have a 'bad guy' and I find that pathetic. The episode entitled "Finally Free" was an exceptional episode, and "Unsaid Emily", I will give credit for that.
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