Review of Razz

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Razz (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
Still quite terrible
13 September 2020
Continuing with my thoughts on the show. This episode still has the same problems: bad writing, inconsistent characters, messy storytellling and tries to gain an emotional response from the audience by adding incredibly forced conflict among the characters, and the worldbuilding hasnt improved much in this, more lore is added in the most uninteresting and silliest ways possible.

However, there are a lot of comedic moments in this third episode, most of them dont work but some of them are alright. I guess the writers are much more interested in being funny than in crafting a real story or decent characters to follow, which is a shame because this show had some potential.

Now Catra has probably the best design and storyline in the show, at least in concept, she is very conflicted about what happened last episode with "Adora", but her relationship with "Adora" wasnt even fleshed out, they try to make an emotional moment when she is angry at the fact that "Adora" has betrayed them but we never actually saw them being nice or having some sort of likeable moment, we just saw them annoying each other for a short time, so of course, this whole thing feels really dumb and contrived, how can you fail so badly at this?

We also get some mediocre action scenes, at best, but we never truly care about the characters and "Adora" seems to be quite invincible and powerful as "She-Ra" so she wins easily, theres no real tension or fun factor in these action sequences, even if they arent badly animated by themselves.

I heard the creators wanted She-Ra to have her powers by gaining them and actually doing something, but so far its quite the opposite, "Adora" is so clumsy she is often the victim of the events happening around her and she barely does anything by herself or gets out of trouble by her own, actually, the only time she does that is when she transforms, and when she is "She-Ra" shes too powerful and doesnt even know why she is able to transform, she doesnt even know how to transform at will or anything like that, she just has the sword and transforms whenever the script requires her to do so, not to mention, she has no real control over her transformation and often just goes along with it, such an arbitrary way of showing her becoming powerful, so much for that whole "gaining her powers" nonsense (was this a lie or were they just incompetent writers?).

Another bad episode that perhaps promises some decent storylines in the future. Lets see if this trainwreck gets any better.
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