Willis O'Brien's dino scenes from The Ghost of Slumber Mountain might have been put in this film, Along the Moonbeam Trail
12 September 2020
A few years back, Willis O'Brien was doing the dino visual effects on The Ghost of Slumber Mountain for producer Herbert M. Dawley. After the success of that, however, the two had a falling out with O'Brien's name removed from the credits. Also that film was shortened from 40 minutes to 18 which is the version that exists now. Supposedly, Dawley then took some of those deleted scenes and put them in this film, a sequel of sorts which also stars Dawley with two pre-teen boys who were probably the same ones in the previous one. Anyway, what's depicted is those three in a cave with a large hole in it showing the dinos walking on the ground waiting for them to come out. And, yes, there's an awesome fight among two of those prehistoric creatures! So if those scenes were O'Brien's taken from The Ghost of Slumber Mountain and put here, it's a great place to put them! So that's a high recommendation for Along the Moonbeam Trail which I just watched on YouTube. Oh, and I was also watching another short on YouTube called The Puzzling Billboard which has live-action humans changing various letters on the billboard before a goat comes on the scene. Supposedly, O'Brien also did that goat scene.
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