Age of Panic (2013)
A risky concept - A failed movie
12 September 2020
It begins with a risky concept, but quite thrilling: make a movie during the 2012 presidential election, in the streets of Paris with the thousand of Hollande and Sarkozy supporters. With a second goal, make a movie about the thirty-old people with precarious situation.

However, the gamble is not won. The fact that a lot of scenes are made without retake, doesn't give the movie something special - and shows limitation of the improvisation actors can make with an undevelopped story. The scenes with militants and supporters aren't showing anything, we don't feel anything special about this historical event. You'd better not expect any sociological aspect. Placing the events on that day is only artificial. And the story in itself is a succession of hysterical and egotistic behaviours, shouts and verbal violence (not to mention the continuous cries of the babies).
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