Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (2015 Video Game)
Visually stunning but mediocre game play lets it down
12 September 2020
I'm a bit late to this but I was recently looking for a game to play and saw this on offer in my local games shop. I'm a big fan of the AC games but I kind of dropped out of them after Black Flag. On a boring Sunday I decided to get a some new game to play and I wanted something I could get my teeth into and get lost in. A friend recommended Syndicate as I like the time period it's set in and I was told it was an improvement of some of the lacklustre entries that preceded it. Unfortunately whilst the game isn't a total write off I can't honestly say that Syndicate has rekindled my enthusiasm for the series.

Let's start with the good points. The setting of Victorian London is wonderful and beautifully rendered. Just wandering around is enjoyable and an experience in itself. This also feels like an AC game you can pick up and play even if you have no previous involvement with the series. Jacob and Evie also feel like well fleshed out characters I would probably have enjoyed playing them more if the game itself had some improvements and with that.....

The not so good points. Firstly the controls felt really clunky compared to previous AC games I played. In previous games the free running seemed to flow quite naturally to the gamer playing it but this one doesn't somehow. I can't put my finger on it but it feels like you are constantly having to think about what you're doing rather than it becoming a reflex action. I also found the game quite buggy in parts. The abundance of side missions became a chore after a while as there wasn't a whole variety of difference in them (apart from location). A minor gripe was the fact I would have liked the choice to play as Jacob or Evie as and when I wanted to but a lot of missions required you to be one or the other.

All in all it's a lovely looking game but the overall game play starts to lose it's shine very quickly and eventually feels like a slog rather than a joy to play.
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