Find Me in Paris (2018–2020)
So painful to watch
11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished season 3. I love Paris, I love dance, and I love time travel, so I should love this show, right? Wrong.

Season 1 problems: 1. The time collectors. Has anyone done a video montage of the time collectors just chasing people? I'm pretty sure that's all they did all season, along with overacting and being over the top silly or dramatic. 2. Thea and the minions. The whole "here's a crew of mean girls with no depth who just care about being above everyone else" trope is SO tired and overdone. Let's leave mean, prissy, popular girls back in 2004.

Season 2: 1. Lex. This girl. I'm sure a big part of the problem is the writing, but I felt like every scene with her in it was cringeworthy. She was trying SO hard to be a villain.

Season 3: WHERE DO I EVEN START? 1. So Max just left? We see nothing of him past when he watched his friends go through a portal, and then we find out (not see, *find out*) that he left a letter for Lena, and just bounced? I don't buy it. It feels like the actor decided to leave the show unexpectedly and the writers/producers were too cheap to transition him out smoothly. 2. Thea/Frank, Ines/Pinky. Both couples sort of break up, but also leave room to get back together, and somehow Ines and Frank get together instead? That felt so awkward and forced. Ines doesn't need a man. Not everyone has to be part of a couple. Don't cram romance into a show where it doesn't fit. 3. Oh yea, by the way, Jeff and Isaac are dating! They set this up in season 2, and then zero mention of it until like halfway through season 3 when Isaac is like, "I thought I was your boyfriend!". Well you could have let the viewers know sooner instead of having them just act like bros for half a season. 3. Lena ends up with Henri?? Okay, what? Am I the only one who didn't see that coming? They spend two seasons building up her romance with Max. Max leaves and they build up this forbidden romance with Nico. Through all three seasons, I never saw an ounce of chemistry between Lena and Henri. It was like they were together just because that's what they knew from before. They put all this time and effort into showing the tension between Lena and her dance partners, and none into Lena and Henri, but they still end up together? Bleh. I would have rather seen her be single and independent.
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