The Owners (2020)
So much better than people are giving it credit for
8 September 2020
4.6/10 (the current IMDb rating for this film) is criminally low. I strongly believe this is another case of people not liking character's decisions and blaming the movie for that. News flash: people don't always make the best decisions in real life either. Sure the movie wasn't perfect but for the most part I thought this was a ripping good time.

Maisie Williams being in this was what attracted me to see it, but in reality the real stars of the show were Sylvester McCoy and Rita Tushingham. I love it when some older actors are given roles that they can actually do something with. Too often older actors are basically just playing the stereotypical "older person", but that's certainly not the case here. They were given great amounts of freedom to work with and they nailed it.

This movie was tense, found goods levels of violence without ever being gratuitous, had a feeling that anything could happen and that no character was safe, and had a nice little twist at the end for the cherry on top. Please don't see the rating for this movie and think it is one to avoid. You will be missing a gem of a film. I highly recommend this one.
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