Another fairly good episode despite some problems
5 September 2020
So far, the 1st season of A Series of Unfortunate Events has been fairly good. The Bad Beginning, The Reptile Room, and The Wide Window are good episodes that had some problems, but still provided a sense of tension and atmosphere with the Reptile Room being the best due to the darker tone enhancing the drama very well and having better pacing.

The Miserable Mill: Part One is another good episode. It does have some problems particularly with the narration with Count Olaf and Patrick Warburton. It does have some dry wit, but otherwise it was over-explanatory. Mr. Poe, however, continues to be the biggest problem especially in the beginning, which is by far the worst written and his ineptitude has been starting to get on my nerves.

Everything else is done very well. The child acting is still getting confident with Malina Weissman and Louis Hynes improving and the guest stars Will Arnett and Cobie Smulders, who were introduced in the Bad Beginning, still delight as Father and Mother whose roles play a vital part of the Bauldelaire's journey in this season. Patrick Warburton, despite the over-explanatory narration, still provides some dry deadpan humor. Neil Patrick Harris continues to shine as Count Olaf especially his poor disguise while Rhys Darby and Catherine O Hara (who played Justice Strauss in the 2004 version) delight as Sir and Dr. Orwell. Oh, and Count Olaf's henchmen, introduced in the first two episodes, still provide some good chuckles and laughs too.

The music score continues to fit the mysterious atmosphere of the show, the directing and editing is still good, and the story entertains with a sense of mystery and tension.

Overall, not perfect, but another fairly good episode.
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