No Stakes
31 August 2020
I have only ever been exposed to Star Trek through this movie series, so this is not a very dependable opinion. Count to it the fact that I saw the last movie years back. So the characters and their relationship progression is lost on me. Case in point, There appeared to be a focus on the frenemies relationship of Spock and Bones, but if it had not been explicitly mentioned by Kirk at one point, I never got that vibe out their escapades.

The crew seemed to be packed with top notch geniuses of their respective fields. Impossible is just a word that they like to use/hear when accomplishing the feat with relative ease. At one point Scotty modifies cargo beam to beam out Spock and Bones, be he doesn't pick them up togther since he is not sure if they will get amalgamated. But the very next useage of the beam is to rescue crew in batches of 20!

Despite having suspended my disbelief in its entirety, I still craved for something akin to a dangerous situation. Despite the high stakes and increasing risks, nothing ever seems to be at risk.
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