Crimson Peak (2015)
Simple plot but worth a watch
28 August 2020
Whilst it does have its problems, I would recommend watching it and forming your own opinion if you're on the fence about this movie. It wasn't scary for me, but it was creepy. The horror is peppered throughout so didn't become stale, but I also didn't feel starved of it. I would recommend if you like the idea, just don't watch it expecting a ghost story, it just has ghosts in it.

Crimson Peak is a spooky movie about a woman (Edith) who falls in love with a mysterious man (Thomas) who is trying to restore his mining business. Thomas has a dilapidated family home which is sinking into his clay mine.

Plot- The start of the movie was its weakest point in my opinion. Thomas' appearance felt forced to begin with but in retrospect fitted with the story. I'm not a fan of lengthy time skips (few days or maybe a month) and the start of this movie had a few. This led to the romance between Thomas and Edith mostly happening offscreen and felt rushed. Once the characters arrived at Thomas' house (crimson peak) my enjoyment of the movie skyrocketed.

I personally thought that the plot was quite simple, which isn't necessarily a problem but I was left wanting to see more of the house and the characters could've been explored further, especially Thomas. There was a good explanation for the ghosts but it was done at the wrong time and this is my least favourite part of the movie and what I think is the weakest scene.

Cinematography- The way this movie looks is excellent. It's gorgeous. The only criticism I have is the weak CGI. It's not terrible, but I could tell it was CGI.

Length- I thought that it was an enjoyable length for me and it didn't outstay its welcome, just a shame it left me wanting more.

Immersion- For me, what went on was believable in the context of the movie (or depending on your beliefs regarding ghosts.) The time skips at the start hurt my ability to get really immersed, but I never looked at my watch.

Soundtrack- The music was fine and wasn't distracting. None of the tracks apart from the main theme really stood out to me.

Would I watch it again- Yes, I plan on watching it again.
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