F Is for Family: Nothing is Impossible (2020)
Season 4, Episode 2
First Day Of School + School Night
26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The kids wait for the bully's dad who is the janitor to open the entrance to the school. It is the first day of school. The janitor calls out their parents will get divorced.

Frank's dad has left for ten days. This news puts Frank in a good mood. He has to skip dinner because Sue reminds him it is the first school night event.

Vic throws a dirty 30th birthday party. I like the rompers and one pieces the female guests wear.

Frank goes with Maureen and Bill. Sue goes with Kevin. Frank meets his old teacher who directed him in a play back in the day. Frank is still traumatized by his father's comments as he attempted to perform.

Sue fights with a dad for a spot for their child to get into college. They serve the principal and try to outdo the other.

Principal declares the dad's son gets the last spot. Sue asks what about Kevin? The principal says society needs workers to do the lower work and die in wars. Sue says she does not want Kevin to find himself just packing lunches and making babies. Not feeling fulfilled.

In the car ride back home Kevin comments that he forgot mom went to college too. The reason for this is because she is just a mom. Sue sighs.
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