A terrific story.
26 August 2020
The Ice cream Girls is a three part series that tells the story of two girls and subsequent two grown up women, Serena and Poppy, their strange relationship, with eachother and Marcus Hansley.

It's a wonderful book, and that story translates particularly well into this series. It's moving, gripping, it's a terrific mystery, you will be entertained and gripped until the surprising conclusion. There are plenty of shocks and surprises.

They got the casting spot on, the girls are perfect choices for Lorraine Burroughs and Jodhi May, their acting throughout is terrific. Martin Compston is wonderful, he's known for Line of Duty, but the guy had been around a while and is wonderful, what a monster.

It really got me, it makes you wonder about all sorts of loyalties and loves, what would you do for someone you love? What lengths would you got to?

It's brilliant, 9/10.
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