Diplomatic toughness
23 August 2020
Absolutely loved the premise, and when espionage thrillers are done well they are intriguing and enthralling. Henry Hathaway was a gifted director, especially in the Western genre, not everything he did was great ('The Black Rose' for example is a strange film) but when on form his films were great. The cast are also talented, including late career Tyrone Power relatively against type and Lee Marvin, Karl Malden and Charles Bronson pre-stardom.

'Diplomatic Courier' turned out to be a very good film. Not quite great or perfect, but with several fantastic elements and the things that had me worried as to whether they would work (Power for example) did do. It is always interesting when Hathaway does something different from the Western genre that he was best known for and he did show that he was at ease in other genres too, 'Kiss of Death' for example proved that and so does 'Diplomatic Courier'.

Personally do not agree with anybody that says that Power is bland or looks lost. To me the weakest performance came from a rather hammy Malden that jars a bit with the more serious tone of the film.

Would also have liked more development to Patricia Neal's role and more screen time for her. There is the odd bit of credibility straining.

However, Power did a good job on the whole. It is not his usual type of role, am most familiar with him in adventure and swashbucklers, but he does have presence and the weariness works for the role, didn't think he looked lost at all. Neal is wonderfully vampish and really makes the most of her role. Marvin and Bronson show that they had charisma, intensity and big potential pre-stardom. My favourite performance actually came from Hildegarde Neff in understated and touching form.

Furthermore, Hathaway directs expertly and with a real feel for atmosphere. Which has a lot of subtle tension. The story is intricate but not confusing and always engrosses, while the script is clever without being too talky. The score doesn't overbear and at least sounds like Sol Kaplan knew what kind of film he was writing for. 'Diplomatic Courier' looks great, very beautifully and atmospherically photographed with a lot of style and the use of actual locations works in its favour considerably.

In summation, very good and well worth watching. 8/10
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