Andy Devine ain't so divine.
23 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While he looks thinner here then he does in a good majority of his movies, character comic Andy Devine spoils what could have been a decent sports picture every time he attempts to make a funny crack, being more annoying than humorous. Pizza Pal of football hero Robert Young, dealing with we can always come down controversy and possible blackmail involving ill-fated romance. The film is set up around a big game which brings back to his college some of the past football players, one of whom Grant Mitchell, is Young's father.

Leila Hyams is the subject of Young's interest, and veteran western star Johnny Mack Brown plays his rival. Pretty Mary Carlisle plays Devine's girl, surprising him by visiting from San Francisco. As these two women are Platinum blondes and similar in looks, it's brunette Mary Doran who stands out as the reporter who try to get a scoop from Young in regards to his ill-fated Romance. The dramatic highlights is Young's breakdown towards the end of the film after a disappointing twist where he blames himself for how everything turned out because of his personal problems. Other than that, this is just another ordinary college sports film that really has nothing special to offer.
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