Big Blonde (1980 TV Movie)
Blurry, bloated, and best bypassed
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is a reason you have not heard of this movie. It was made for TV and shot on grainy stock. The result is hard on the eyes. Based on an 11-page character study by Dorothy Parker, it was padded with music and long scenes to make it feature-length. Catch phrases are repeated ad nauseam and the same two songs are played over and over and over. In the end, it is just another movie about a couple that weds quickly and discovers they are incompatible. Sally Kellerman does not fit the title role. She is supposed to be "Big," "broad shouldered," "stout," and "substantially built" according to Parker's short story - a leftover Gibson Girl, out of place in flapper society but still able to find a niche of men who are attracted to her enough to support her. The creators changed this key element, to no good result. I found this on Netflix DVD and rented it because the short story is one of Parker's best. The movie is a disappointment.
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