20 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This time Angel, now a law student hits the streets to get vengeance on the mob guys who killed the cop (her father figure) who got her off the streets, while getting gun-slinging help from Rory Calhoun, Susan Tyrell and some guy with a Yo-Yo in this boring and very unfunny sequel. Avenging Angel, after the surprising quality of its predecessor, is a total letdown. You look at the back of the cover and you see a tied up guy with a bullet hole in his head, Angel pointing a gun and you see Rory Calhoun looking like he's going gun-slinging and yet the context of both scenes aren't action or even exploitive but in a comic tone. Now the first 20 minutes hint at something promising, sleazy action wise along the lines of a Death Wish 4 rip off, but then it just gets really dull, until you find to your horror, these scenes are supposed to be funny. Avenging Angel's Betsy Russell has some screen presence (Though Part 1s Wilkes is a better actress) and warmth, but this embarrassingly bad movie gives her nothing to work with.

* Out Of 4-(Bad)
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