It's really, really bad.
20 August 2020
Lets be clear. I like bad movies. I really do.

But to me there is just one cardinal sin a movie can commit, and it is being boring. And oh boy! This movie is sooooooooo BORING.

It is a disaster movie full o scenes of people sitting in rooms and talking. It promisses a Tsunami and a Earthquake and delivers nothing, really.

I've never set foot on the USA and even I know that the footage they use for the "evacuation" scenes is just normal L.A. traffic.

Now, I understand the impact that budget can have on your film, but first if you don't have the budget, maybe rethink your premise. Second, if you are going to commit to this premise with a low budget, commit to it ok! Focus on better action, focus on a better plot, cut some of the scenes with CGI so you can improve on the CGI of the remaining scenes or at least make it funny. This movie does none of that.

I can't point out how boring this movie is, really.
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