An unusual film...but with a predictable ending.
20 August 2020
The story begins in a Confederate prisoner of war camp during the US Civil War. One of the Union soldiers there, Sgt. Barstow (Wallace Beery) is a malingerer...a guy who fakes sick in order to avoid work. So, when there is a plague outbreak in a nearby prisoner of war camp, Lt. Clark (John Howard) nominates this jerk as well as himself to go help out at that camp. But on the way, there is a wagon accident and the pair are able to escape. Soon, they come upon a lady who just killed a Confederate officer...and soon Jenny (Delores Del Rio) joins the pair in their efforts to rejoin the Union army in the north. The biggest problem isn't having to avoid Confederates but dealing with Barstow, as he's a bit of a sociopath and a coward! Later, they find a map that would be invaluable to the Union army...the Lieutenant wants to bring it to them and the Sergeant simply wants to do what's easiest and safest!

While having Wallace Beery play a flawed man was NOT unusual, having him play one this flawed (and like the real life Beery) was unusual and a bit of a risk considering Beery was one of their most bankable stars at the time. I didn't mind seeing him play such an unlikable rogue, though the nice guy ending seemed incredibly uncharacteristic...to the point of being laughable. Not a terrible movie but a very flawed one that is a decent time-passer.
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