Coastlines (2002)
good start to mid. and stupid in the end.
18 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well the cast is really decent for this production quality . with some decent performance. and somehow OK plot. its not that new. there are some 90s VHS movies with same kinda plot.

Love triangle between old friends. maybe ok . but love triangle after marriage ? not ok . not cool n decent. and the way movie ends ? its not very unrealistic.



so a married couple, and even a happy married couple. when an old friend came to their lives, and feelings starts because that man has or had a crush on wife long time ago. and she does too, so she drops her panties when man tries to get into it. and she regret later or not. both have feelings for each other.

so in the end husband n wife reconcile each other and then another man also be happy together with them ? really? . husband knows that his best friend scrwed his wife n both have feelings and still ok with it in end? because it wont happen again ? .. nahhh... it doesnt happen in reall life.
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