A Bit Disappointing
16 August 2020
The show starts off better than I was expecting. Having a reasonably old, grumpy bounty hunter taking two teenage girls under his wing sounds like a decent recipe for entertainment, and them often getting on his nerves is amusing. The ability for the teenage twins to communicate telepathically was also a good addition, if not a little ridiculous.

Unfortunately, as the season goes on it feels like the focus shifts to the point that the bounty hunting becomes a secondary concern for the show. Instead, the primary focus becomes the drama around the girls' lives. One of them is trying to uncover her mother's secret while also trying to make things work with the guy she's dating, while the other is just trying to find herself. Even the focus of the bounty hunter guy seems to be a love triangle between him, his ex-wife and the ex's sister.

My main issue with the direction of the show is that I don't really care that much about the individual characters and their drama. Together, the sisters are highly entertaining, and the bounty hunter thrown into the mix is even better. When they're all together and bounty hunting, it's a winning formula. But alone they are far less interesting.

Overall the show just makes me think of one of Netflix's other shows: Insatiable. That show had an interesting premise that could have been fun if it had stuck to that premise, but instead it decided to wildly deviate and just became an uninteresting mess. Teenage Bounty Hunters has definitely held itself together better than Insatiable, but it still feels like the writers used the concept of the show to draw us in, just so they could give us some derivative story centered on generic teenage drama.
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