Review of Novine

Novine (2016–2020)
The Writers and Director Spoiled this Show by Letting
15 August 2020
It last past the 3rd episode. They kept telling the same story, episode after episode. and showing pictures of an unnamed city full of dirty white tired looking buildings. I was hypnotized after ep. 3 but didn't sign off. I don't remember anybody's name, just that there were good guys and bad guys and when one of them died, I couldn't remember what he/she looked like. The only benefit I got from this show was that I crossed Croatia off my places to visit because it looked so boring and the characters like to plod a lot. I think they were actually tired of being in the series for so long. Netflix, let this be a lesson to you - if someone brings you a 12 episode series don't buy it until they've cut the playing time at least in half and preferable 75%.
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